Kolab Canyons
Kolab Canyon Zion National Park
A visit to Zion National Park should include a trip to Kolab Canyons. The Kolab Canyons part of Zion is often overlooked. The Kolob Canyons section of Zion National Park is located at Exit 40 on Interstate 15, 40 miles north of Zion. The drive from the entrance of this section of the park takes you to the visitor center. The scenic views along this 5 mile drive are wonderful and you should pull over to the turnouts to enjoy the view. You can also gain acces to various hiking trails that are worth th hike.
Kolab Canyons Zion National Park
Kolab Canyons Zion National Park
Kolab Canyons Zion National Park
Kolab Canyons Zion National Park
Kolab Canyons Zion National Park
The easist way to see the Kolab Canyons is vis a scenic byway located off I-15 exit #40. As you go up the byway you'll find interpretive signs and pullouts that mark points of interest. Thh scenic byway provides views of the oldest and youngest rocks in Zion, as well as its tallest peak: the 8926 foot - Horse Ranch Mountain.
The scenic byway takes ends at the Timber Creek Overlook after an over 1,000 feet climb. The view from the overlokk is breathtaking. Try to get there in late afternoon for the best picture taking.